Overwhelmed. Stressed. Ready to give it up.
Over the years I’ve heard it all. Nobody prepared you for the “wearing all hats”. Suddenly you’re doing the marketing, the sales, the finances and this is all at the same time as trying to generate an income. That age old saying there aren’t enough hours in the day didn’t mean anything until you started your own business.
The thing is, I can’t stress the importance enough of making bookkeeping a priority. You can’t run a healthy, successful business without having your books in order. It’s like driving a car without a fuel gauge or a road map – sooner or later you’re going to get lost or run out of fuel.
Profit is theory. Cash is king
Did you know that most businesses fail within the first 3 years of starting? And why do they fail – because they can’t pay their bills even though on paper their business is making a profit.
So, we’ve convinced you that bookkeeping is important. You get it. But now what we’re going to tell you is don’t get fixated on the profit for the reasons above. All the profit in the world won’t save you if you don’t have any cash to pay the bills or the staff. When you run out of cash it’s game over. Companies don’t go out of business because they lack profits on paper, they go out of business because they don’t manage their cash.
Just like magic, your bookkeeping worries can disappear!
So now you’ve found a solution to your problem without sacrificing any more time (which let’s face it you don’t have any more to give away).
Empowering kickass entrepreneurs to get the passion for their business back is what fuels our fire. We’ve supported many business owners in reducing the overwhelm so they can focus on their passion and purpose.
But we don’t just process the data and send you the monthly reports. Our vision is to change the way you think about the numbers. We want you to see that they are telling a story in the same way that words do. There is always a pattern once you know where to look, so we go through the reports with you so you can see exactly where you’re tracking.
MicroChilli are here to help!
Why choose us? When it comes to the right fit for your business you need to focus on what your requirement is. We only operate remotely and we specialise in new start and small businesses. We’ve ditched the 9 – 5 traditional model to suit both ours and our clients needs so if this is something you value, we would love to partner with you on your entrepreneurial journey.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us to find out the many ways we can support you to achieve your goals of freedom and lifestyle choices.